CrunchFeed is a tool for customers of restaurants to interact with menus and share their food preferences with friends.

As diners, we have the same conundrum for every restaurant we go to. All you know is how the last thing you ate tasted. Doesnt that seem like a primitive process?
Restaurants don’t have any way of matching a customer to the foods they’ve eaten. Are they serving repeat customers? What do their customers like?
Enter CrunchFeed. CrunchFeed is a mobile webapp that aims to improve the food selection experience for customers. It features a feed of food related activities that have recently happened; and comprehensive menus of each restaurant, filled with prices, descriptions, and discussions about the item. Our mobile interface allows users to see where friends eat, whether they like the food they’ve eaten, and what they have said about it; and create this content so their friends can see.

Our test users have told us:
“This would definitely be helpful!” - Ray
“Check it out, it's giving us recommendations, pretty cool!." - Jack

  1. Sign in using Facebook to see your friends' activity
  2. Works on the web, optimized for touchscreen-based mobile phones
  3. Finds nearby restaurants based on your location (currently Stanford restaurants only)

About us

Class: CS247 Winter 2011
Team Name: MuffinMen
Team Members: Matt Bush (Bluffin' Muffin), Mike Duong (McMuffin), Joseph Lau (Stud Muffin), George Tang (Talking Muffin), Bobby Wei (Muffin Top)
